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Be uOk iOk ESG CSR Partner &
Corporate Sponsor

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Zing Media, reported by Asia Business Outlook as one of the Top 10 Video Production Houses in Singapore for its innovative CSR Programmes for corporate and community well being, is a social mission driven organisation. With its partnership with its sister company - Zing Technologies and Wisdom Academy, Zing Media is launching its very first social project 'uOk iOk' campaign to advocate Transformational Leadership that starts from every home into their workplace. We believe that every home needs a family mentor, and every organization needs a mentoring programme for enhancing corporate, community and family well being.

uOk iOk Sponsorship

uOk iOk Sponsorship


Our Founder's Story

I am Roland Ang, founder of these companies. I am passionate about this project. I was a teacher for 15 years and being a head of department managing students' welfare and academic development, I have helped many students with stress disorders, family and personal issues, and even suicide ideation. I hope that our companies can contribute back to society with our initiative uOk iOk project to equip every family and organization with mentoring support programmes.

Our Founder Story

Learn more about uOk iOK Projects & Programmes through interview with Founder

We have designed and produced a series of CSR media programmes, ranging from uOk iOk Mentoring for corporate and family well being, SG Enable for supporting Persons with Disabilities., fun fund raising programmes for non for profit organisations, healthy and positive karaoke challenge School and Community Music & Band Entourage, educational Table Talk series, Gameshows, , Sitcom & movie productions, and social entreprenurship programmes.. We also have a community that provides free mentoring, professional train the mentor programme for organisations and families. Together with our edutainment through our social media live streaming platforms, including TikTok live, we aim to equip parents with child mentoring skills to lead to a happier family life., while they can apply their mentoring in their workplace for enhancing productivity and mental wellness.

Our Projects & Programme

Our ESG CSR Partners & Sponsors

We will like to invite you to come onboard on this newly launched programme. We are seeking your support in terms of sponsorships, and we would like to partner with you and your organisations to support your family based values corporate culture and support your workplace mentoring system and programmes .

As we have just launched this project, in return for you being the first few CSR partners / sponsors to believe in our cause with your kind sponsorship, we are willing to have your organisations be featured in all our media contents and platforms to give you the maximum exposure including a corporate marketing video production, product placement, advertising & live streaming services, based on the type of sponsorship that you chose to support our uOk iOk programme. You will see the benefit of sponsoring our programme in terms of increased exposure with your logo appearing on our uOk iOk programme, leading to a wider outreach of targeted consumers with the appearance on our social media, receive high quality of advertising and live streaming videos, and be featured as a sponsor.

Our Partners & Sponsors


Contact Us!

+65 64514530

UBPoint, 61 Ubi Avenue 1 #06-11 Singapore 408941

©2023 by ZING MEDIA ASIA. Proudly created with Zing Group of Companies.

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